Founded in 2017, Urban Heroes is an online store thats style is street fashion. They are dedicated to selling the highest quality clothing for best prices and providing 100% customer satisfaction. They target lifestyle and demographic market of hip hop and youth cultural in general. Their goal is drive online sales and brand loyalty. I was commissioned for this project to create a logo and different branding to be used in the Urban Heroes Collection. The concept for the Urban Heroes is inspired by graffiti art. Graffiti provides a powerful outlet for giving a voice to the voiceless. Throughout history, it has propelled the vision of movements such as Black Lives Matter. The name “Urban Heroes” represents those artists that use graffiti as a tool for social emancipation or standing up for what is right.
ServicesLogo, Branding, Illustrations, Apparel DesignYear2018
The first step before creating branding, is through conducting a thorough research on Urban Heroes competitors. Once I’m able to get a good assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the competition, it provides the ability to strategize how the brand can solve the problem for the same types of customers but in a different way that set Urban Heroes apart from their competitors.
After going over what I discovered from my research with the client, next we looked at different design styles that they would like. I did an internet search on different types of graffiti and illustrations which included BLM street art. I focused on color, typography, and style and presented these concepts to them.
Brand Attributes: Urban, Rugged, Bold, Comfortable
The goal was to establish Urban Heroes as wearable streetwear that messaging can speak to a specific demographic. In the concepts below, reinforces the brand with its use of different graffiti treatments.
The logo positions Urban Heroes as being recognizably an urban fashion brand. The logo functions as a bold and vibrant face for Urban Heroes brand. The ink splats and drips create visual movement in the piece to appear as if one was or had recently created this tag.
A bright and expressive color palette, was inspired by graffiti and reflects Urban Heroes being bold and culturally diverse. The colors celebrate the vibrancy of city, strategically selected to appeal to a target audience.
#ea098b -Barbie Pink
#68cad8 – Middle Blue
#f3903f – Orange
#ffe25a -Naples Yellow
#a1a0a0 – Quick Silver
#f7f5c8 – Cream
The unique font embraces the scripted style of graffiti which really distinguishes Urban Heroes collection of streetwear.